Thursday, April 9, 2009

The Quantum Leap

Times of contemplation give me cause to vent
I keep reliving some horrible past event

How do I get out of this predicament?
Where is the fast forward button to the present moment?

Light is both a particle and a wave
Being a form and form-less is how I behave

Negative thoughts create parasitic emotion
In my body, it creates quite a commotion

To transcend all of Life's negativity
No need to fully understand the Theory of Relativity

Other dimensions allow for another reality
Other dimensions make it a possibility

Positive vibrations release creativity
Just find joy in all your activity

I wish I was as enlightened as His Holiness
The Dalai Lama professes interconnectedness

Heaven is not a destination but a realm of consciousness
It's more about the awakening than any amount of goodness

Instead of holding on, it is about the catch and release
In all this suffering we find lasting peace

Now it is time for restful sleep
For we have made the Quantum Leap


  1. It is about the catch and release. Releasing isn't always easy, but can happen.

  2. I love the idea of heaven as a state of being rather than a destination. Even the "recovering Cathoholics" among us still try to contort ourselves into perfect little figurines based on some stuff some people might have written thousands of years ago.
